Administrator Guide 2017
Item Type - General attachments
From Add Item in Template Maintenance select the General attachments button shown here.

From Add Item in Template Maintenance select the General attachments button shown here.

The General attachments item allows the user to open and view attachments associated with a customer, location, themselves (as a user) or a general list entry. In practice this might mean that they can open documents relating to specific method statements for the cutomer in question, plans or drawings for a location or manuals or handbooks relating to a list of products or toolbox talks.

Attachments will typically be PDF documents, Word documents or image files.

General attachments differ from Job attachments in that a job attachment is a document specifically sent to one user on one job. If an attachment is to be more widely used than that (eg. on all jobs for a customer, on all jobs for a location or on any job at all) then it probably makes sense to add it as a general attachment.

A Customer type General attachment which is displayed as an image. Images will be actual size.

A Customer type General attachment which is displayed as an image. Images will be actual size.


Main screen for creating/amending a General attachments item
Main screen for creating/amending a General attachments item

Main screen for creating/amending a General attachments item

For example, attach an image to a customer such as a photo to be displayed as above

For example, attach an image to a customer such as a photo to be displayed as above

*Caption This is the text “label” that is specifying the information that needs to be entered or the question to be answered. Although this is not necessarily a question in all cases, Question is used as the general term to cover the text shown next to an input field. The text should be as short as possible whilst still being self-explanatory. Over-long questions take up a lot of space on PDA screens with their restricted size, so try and make them concise. This text should be an aid to help guide the user through the screen. Any more explanatory text can be made available as “Auditor’s notes” or “Full question text”.
*Type of attachments to show (1) Choose the type of attachments that you wish to show. These can be for the customer or location of the current form, for the current user or for a list item elsewhere on the form. If list item attachments are selected then you need to specify the 'unique name' of the relevant template item below.
Type of attachments to show (2) Choose the type of attachments that you wish to show. These can be for the customer or location of the current form, for the current user or for a list item elsewhere on the form. If list item attachments are selected then you need to specify the 'unique name' of the relevant template item below.
'Unique name' of item containing the list entry to use If you have specified list item attachments then you need to specify the unique name of the template item that contains the list entry to use.
Display as image If this is NOT ticked a button will be displayed.  If this IS ticked an image of the attachment will be displayed instead of the button.  This can be used to quickly identify a customer or a visual clue of a location as well as confirming correct product selection with an associated photo item.
Mandatory (force all documents to be opened) Tick this box if all documents must be signed before the form is accepted as complete for saving or signing purposes.


Formatting options for a General attachments item.
Formatting options that can be applied to a General attachments item .

Formatting options that can be applied to a General attachments item .

Full screen width?

This option is usually used in conjunction with multi-line text boxes, giving the user a full-width long text box in which to enter information. This value overrides any formatting set for the section.


Advanced features of a General attachments item.
Advanced features that can be applied to a General attachments item.

Advanced features that can be applied to a General attachments item.

Item flag

Template item flags are used to apply display classes to template item in a consistent and efficient way.  They are set up in a system list called Template item flags and might be given names such as Danger so the text appears in red, Disclaimer for smaller text, Long answer to give extra space to the answer.  This means that changing the display class can be done in one place rather than on all template items.

*Unique name

A unique name must exist for everything in a magic5 template.  It is so important that magic5 pre-fills the prompt with a non-meaningful name which it will use by default.  This does not need to be changed.

However, if the data associated with the unique name is to be used elsewhere (for example as part of a calculation, imported or exported, or carried over to a new job), it is helpful to use a meaningful name (such as RefNo, QuantityOrdered, ItemTotal, ContactName, ReasonForReferral) and this meaningful name must be entered before the template is used with real data.

If the unique name is changed at a later date, existing data will not be lost but it may no longer be accessible by magic5, in which case it cannot be displayed, used in calculations or exported.  It is therefore recommended that this is done only as a last resort and that the original template is duplicated before changes are made - this means that existing data can still be retrieved if necessary.  If in any doubt, please contact magic5 support for the best way to deal with this.

Display conditions (advanced)

Display conditions for a template item.
Display conditions that can be applied to a template item.

Display conditions that can be applied to a template item.

Only show when the following condition is true (1)-(4) Enter a conditional statement that affects whether the input item is displayed on the device such as whether a previous answer has been yes or no.
For more help on using Display Conditions view the how-to guide.
Record results when section isn't displayed Tick this box if you wish results to be recorded when section isn't displayed.
See Also